Hamilton girls, boys win tournaments

April 13, 2015 by Jose Garcia, AZPreps365

The boys and girls of Hamilton took care of business on the tennis courts during the two-day tournaments each program hosted, gaining momentum for the final stretch of the season in the process. 

The tournaments concluded Saturday, with the Hamilton girls edging another state contender, Basha, for their team title, and the Hamilton boys won comfortably during their 7-team two-day tournament. Beating Basha during two of Saturday’s three doubles matches helped the young Hamilton girls upend Basha by a point.

Here are the tournament’s final results for girls:

1st Hamilton - 334

2nd Basha - 333

3rd Perry - 265

4th Highland - 248

5th Chandler - 220

6th Yuma - 159

7th Apache Junction - 52

Hamilton’s Individual Singles Medals

No. 1: Anamika Deokar (junior) GOLD

No. 3: Emily Smith (freshman) SILVER

No. 4: Liz Smith (freshman) SILVER

No. 5: Ara Seamons (senior) SILVER

No. 6: Brooke Maclay (freshman) GOLD

Hamilton’s Doubles Team Medals

No. 1 doubles: Anamika Deokar and Ashley Saunders GOLD

No. 2: Emily Smith and Liz Smith GOLD

No. 3: Doubles Ara Seamons and Brooke Maclay SILVER

Boys Hamilton Tournament results

Team Totals 

No. 1 Hamilton 392

No. 2 Perry 256

No. 3 Highland 260

No. 4 Chandler 168

No. 5 Apache Junction101

No. 6 Arizona College Prep (ACP) 129

No. 7 Yuma 100

Singles Results

No. 1 singles: 1st Freddie Wentling (Hamilton), 2nd Kesin Dolwani (ACP).

No. 2: 1st Kevin Lunt (Highland,)  2nd Thomas Duke (Hamilton).

No. 3: 1st Vedik Narvale (Hamilton), 2nd Taylor Townsend (Perry)

No. 4: 1st Nik Bhardwaja (Hamilton), 2nd Brigham Welch (Perry).

No. 5: 1st  Anuj Shah (Hamilton), 2nd Brennan Sciassia (Perry).

No. 6: 1st Aaron Schierbrock (Hamilton), 2nd Sabastian Chengattu (Perry).

Doubles Results

No. 1 doubles: 1st Freddie Wentling/Thomas Duke (Hamilton), 2nd Kevin Lunt/Mason Hicks (Highland).

No. 2: 1st  Vedik Narvale/Anuj Shah  (Hamilton),  2nd Brennan Sciaccia/Taylor Townsend (Perry).

No. 3: 1st  Nik Bhardwaja/Aaron Schierbrock  (Hamilton), 2nd McClure/Sciassia (Perry).



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