Chuck Schmidt

Yes, it is hot...

August 25, 2011 by Chuck Schmidt, AZPreps365

The days of salt pills and no water are long gone… thank goodness.  Hydration is in fact a performance enhancing activity.  I know we live in Arizona and that we have dealt with the heat for, well, forever… but the tragic events around the country this fall have heightened the awareness of practicing and playing in the heat. The AIA Sports Medicine Advisory Committee has been focusing its efforts not only on concussion issues but for the past year has also been exploring the research and data regarding heat and activity and what guidelines and restrictions should be suggested to the AIA Executive Board. For now, each school is responsible for the guidelines related to heat and the restriction of activity. There will be more to come.  For now the below link is a statement from the AIA Sports Medicine Advisory Committee recommending later starts for practice and games where heat is still an issue and a reminder as to the protocols related to heat and activity.

It is hot… it has always been hot in the fall in Arizona. We are proud of our history and the commitment the schools have taken to ensure the safety of our students. Good luck to all our fall sports teams.

Updated Information For Football Games Related to Heat