azpreps365 podcast: Lewerke ready to start Pinnacle alum healthy, prepared for Michigan St. QB role Baseball Jose Garcia June 5, 2017
26 FROM ARIZONA NAMED NHSCA ALL-AMERICANS 26 FROM ARIZONA NAMED NHSCA ALL-AMERICANS Football / Swimming / Wrestling / Softball / Track & Field Andy Morales May 17, 2017
Final state championship scoreboard 2016-2017 61 schools won at least one championship, 17 multiple titles Football / Girls Volleyball / Cross Country / Swimming / Badminton / Golf / Wrestling / Baseball / Softball / Tennis / Boys Volleyball / Beach Volleyball / Boys Soccer / Girls Soccer May 17, 2017
Champions Luncheon Honors AIA's best of 2016-17 Thatcher receives Directors Cup Cross Country Jose Garcia May 15, 2017
AIA board elects new members Budget for 2017-18 approved Football / Girls Volleyball / Baseball / Softball / Tennis / Boys Volleyball Jose Garcia April 19, 2017
Hall of Fame coach Anderson passed away Served as AIA administrator; Roybal services announced Football / Golf / Wrestling / Baseball / Softball Jose Garcia March 27, 2017
Board selects Hines as next AIA executive director AIA receives high marks in audit Football / Cross Country / Baseball / Softball / Tennis / Spiritline Jose Garcia March 21, 2017
I SHAVED MY BEARD (FOR A GOOD CAUSE) I got an email about six weeks ago asking me if I would be available to cover a function I’ve covered in the past and this annual request is almost impossible to ignore since I teach children during the day and watch them play at night. Girls Soccer Andy Morales March 10, 2017
Council approves out of season training by coaches Spring football dates change Football / Cross Country / Wrestling / Baseball / Softball / Robotics Jose Garcia March 3, 2017
AIA board selects 3 finalists for director job AIA to host meet-and-greet with candidates Stories Jose Garcia March 1, 2017
AIA board selects 5 candidates to interview for director post Four of the candidates are from AZ Stories Jose Garcia February 21, 2017
The Fanatic is new radio home of AIA Coro to host Saturday morning show Football / Cross Country Jose Garcia February 20, 2017
AIA: Respect cultural diversity Statement from association on fostering diversity Cross Country Jose Garcia February 14, 2017
AIA, Sports Addix announce partnership Company to become official uniform provider Football / Cross Country / Wrestling / Baseball / Softball Jose Garcia January 31, 2017
AIA board: New board members selected Report: Injuries higher for those who specialize Football / Wrestling / Baseball / Softball / Tennis / Spiritline / Boys Basketball / Girls Basketball Jose Garcia January 19, 2017
PUHSD welcomes newest HoF class More than 350 guests attend ceremony Football / Swimming / Badminton / Golf / Wrestling / Baseball / Softball / Tennis / Track & Field Jose Garcia December 21, 2016
First VB officiating assignment runs smoothly azpreps365 staff writer comes out unscathed Football / Girls Volleyball / Baseball Jose Garcia October 4, 2016
Phelps, AIA, Special Olympics join forces to add swim event Event for high school students to be held at ASU Swimming Jose Garcia August 28, 2016
Discovering Barry Sollenberger Trip this weekend to alma mater relives the acquaintance Football / Cross Country August 19, 2016
AIA board requests more details on Notre Dame's FB class Mandatory meetings for coaches, ADs also discussed Football / Cross Country / Golf / Wrestling / Boys Volleyball Jose Garcia August 16, 2016
azpreps365 radio show returns Saturday's guests include Jackson, Kelley, Pola-Mao Football Jose Garcia August 11, 2016
AIA statement on return of Sollenberger Classic Brophy-Pinnacle, Centennial-Desert Edge are matchups Football Jose Garcia July 19, 2016
Staying afloat in 1st class azpreps365 scribe learning to become an official Swimming Jose Garcia June 15, 2016
Are Chandler schools, Brophy-Xavier mocking foes? What's in the name "Premier Region" Stories June 6, 2016
Power rankings prove powerful despite critics 77 percent of 2015-16 state champs among top 4 seeds Football / Girls Volleyball / Badminton / Baseball / Softball / Tennis May 24, 2016